Arunachula at sunrise

Saturday, February 27, 2010

low back class at lulus

i had such a great evening with the gang at lulu bandha's last night teaching about the low back and pelvis! we did some exploration of the anatomy and injuries of this area and followed with an asana practice intended to encourage people to relate to their bodies in a new way, to utilize the visual anatomy to "see" inside a little more. we began to touch on the fascial system as well, and of course reminded ourselves that no level of anatomical knowledge can make us more wise than the signals and messages of our bodies--to listen to that is to truly touch upon what will help us to heal and keep us safe.

because i didn't blog immediately afterwards, i am going to remember as closely as i can:

supine knees to chest

pelvic tilts with breath, focus on sacrum, find neutral pelvis
active rolling bridge with breath, focus on articulation of spine, option of engaging mulabandha

single knee to chest, engage straight leg to open psoas
knee across body, stretch outer hip
knee toward armpit, stretch short adductors
*pause in corpse to observe
other side

knees to chest, roll to sit--pause with abdominal engagement
squat, tailbone release
uttanasana--roll to stand
tadasana--specific postural awareness (slight mulabandha and ab engagement)
warrior 1 with pelvic neutral/leg focus
warrior 2 with pelvic neutral/leg focus
hip hinge for 1/2 sun sals, moving with pelvic neutral

lunge left
sit back to touch on hams stretch/round spine
cat/cow pelvic focus
other side lunge/hams
cat/cow sacral chakra focus, then manipura focus
extended childs, focus on lats and paraspinals
childs with lateral rotation/reach each side, connect to fascial system and QL as well as lats
childs arms at side, focus on sacral chakra, back body

seated hams stretch with strap, neutral spine
roll forward to hams stretch
roll to back knees to chest
supine twist
windshield wipers
supported savasana, begin with chakra 1-3 awareness, progress to relaxation

**a couple of other things i wanted to touch on, but didn't get a chance to:
prone poses (sphinx, single leg locust to both leg locust to engage the back muscles and glutes/hamstrings)
quadriped alternate arm and leg with focus on engaging abs/strong center

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