Arunachula at sunrise

Saturday, February 27, 2010

neck and posture class at lulu's

another wonderful day at my favorite studio today! today was a 2-part class: the neck/upper back, and postural deviations and exercises. here's a synopsis--at least as well as i can remember!
we opened with supine baddha konasana with a teaching intention of tuning into our bodies in a deeper way.

the first portion of the lecture started with an anatomical look at the neck and thoracic spine, discussed the influence of the shoulders/scapula and discussed the nature of common injuries in the neck. we then did an asana class geared toward targeting some of the key areas that tend to tighten up with neck problems.

seated baddha konasana with head hang/fwd fold, focus on connective tissue of the spine
seated 1/2 head rolls with prolonged stretches at tight spots
neck sidebend with opposite arm extended, rotate head down to access levator muscle
seated chest fascial opener in center and with head tilt left and right
childs pose--relaxed
childs pose--active arm extension
cat/cow, focus on sternum and upper back
thread the needle twist
relaxed childs
seated shoulder extension stretch
garuda (eagle) arms with forward bend, then with elbow lift
shake out arms
standing pec "clock" stretch at wall
wall dog
shake out arms
**can't remember
seated chakra meditation, discussed chakras IV-VII

discussed postural deviations and did partner analysis of posture
brief discussion of movement analysis
postural exercises:

supine "angels"
supine open into external rotation, elbows at side
supine isometric: tighten abs, ribs down, shoulders back and down, palms press, chin tuck
supine overhead reach with block
block mini-dolphin stretch
reclining buddha each side
side plank variation on forearm
sidelying over bolster (restoratve stretch)--> progress to active reach in arm and top leg
knees to chest
occipital release with block

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