Arunachula at sunrise

Saturday, February 6, 2010

private mini-session for pain

this is a little mini-yoga routine that i have been using and adapting for relatively healthy folks who have back and/or neck pain. this particular session was with a woman who gets major migraines/neck pain and also has low back pain. (30 minute routine)

cat/cow-6 rounds
side cat/cow-3 rounds
"funky cat" freestyle for 2 minutes
childs--arms extended
childs-reach arms left and right 6 breaths each
lunge stretch left
lunge stretch right
**she was able to do low lunge, but often people with tight hips do better in high lunge)
pigeon left drop to forearms, transition to extended left leg/heel cord stretch from all 4s
pigeon right (same)

seated head to knee left
mini-twist to left
open knee--revolved head to knee left

abdominal engagement to roll to back to supine
knees to chest, rock
left knee to chest, right leg extended
left knee toward right shoulder
right knee to chest, left leg extended
right knee to left shoulder
knees to chest, rock
easy supine twist each way
supine baddha konasana with bolster and blankets-- 3 minutes

primary cues were for relaxing neck and shoulders, breathing, increasing ease and gentleness with the postures.

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